The controlling thought of this entire episode in Matthew 10 is boldness to proclaim the word.
First, the apostles are to have no fear when speaking publicly in His name because all the truth will eventually come out (vv. 26–27).
Then, they are to have no fear because people cannot kill the soul (v. 28).
And finally, they are to have no fear because they are precious in the sight of God (vv. 29–31).
The closing verses, therefore, offer a summarizing thought (vv. 32–33). We can take comfort in confessing Jesus or be afraid of denying Him.
This last thought gets right down to the heart of the matter: all the reasons to be unafraid and bold hinge upon faith in God. The apostles accomplished what they were sent to do. Will our generation have faith? We must believe that God will get His word out, that He will be the ultimate Judge in the resurrection, that He cares for all creatures great and small. And we must be selfless in our service to Him.
Deuteronomy 6:5You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.